Anyone that lists an event will get a free membership in the Gift Card Club. Members do not pay any money for these Gift Cards. These are the same Gift Cards you see sold in stores all accross America.
Generally, yes, but there are restrictions.
Good common sense will tell you that we certainly do not need negative controversy or anything that puts a bad light on our network, so use good judgment before you list an event on this network.
We do not allow any of the following on our network:
All events are displayed by zip code except those events that do not have a physical location, such as a Holiday. Events are displayed based on a number of factors. In the "Display Options" section of the event setup form you can select how you want your event displayed. The program also automatically selects if events are displayed in multiple zip codes
Yes. You may list your garage sale event for free. Your garage sale will be displayed in your zip code and the surrounding area. If you want your garage sale displayed in a group, such as a street or community, then we have a special marketing program to display garage sales across a wide area. Just send an email to and we'll show you how to display your garage sale in many zip codes.
Great. You may list a church or community event for free. Your event will be displayed in your zip code and the surrounding area. If you want to promote your event then we have a special marketing program to display church / community events across a wide area. Just send an email to and we'll show you how to promote your event across a wide area.
Yes. Political events are OK but keep the listing to date and location. Any political listing will be loved by half of the viewers and hated by the other half so DO NOT use the details section for political rhetoric. Save the rhetoric for other venues. We are an event information site not a platform for political views.
Yes. A commercial event is any event that deals with goods or services offered for sale. Commercial events are shown by postal code [zip-code]. If you want your commercial event displayed in multiple zip codes then send an email to our Marketing Department for a quote. We have programs to display commercial events across multiple zip codes, in one or more counties, an entire region, a Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) or across our entire network. We'll send you all the details.
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