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Free Gift Cards

Anyone that lists an event will get a free membership in the Gift Card Club. Members do not pay any money for these Gift Cards. These are the same Gift Cards you see sold in stores all accross America.


Events Accross America

Member's Home


There are 41,683 Zip-Codes in the United States. As a member you are free to list an event in any zip-code in the United States.

Every time you list an event you will receive 1,000 Bidding Reward PointsTM per date. So a three day event, like a street fair, is 3,000 Bidding Reward PointsTM

These reward points are the points you use to bid on the Gift Cards from the Gift Card Club.

Add a lot of events and you will have all of the Gift Cards you will ever want.

Bidding Reward PointsTM Payout Schedule
New Event 1,000 points per event [date / time]
Your Active Events - Current Month 500 points per event [date / time]
Early Bird Bonus - Your Future Month Events 250 points per event [date / time]
Most Events in Zip-Code 250 points per event / month [date / time] in Zip-Code
Tell Others 250 points per signup
Friends Add Event 150 points per event [date / time]
Friends Tell Others 125 points per signup
Friends Helping Their Friends 100 points per event [date / time]

New Event: A new event is an event that has never been listed in the database before. Once added to the database this is your event. In the future, only you will be able to update this event as long as you remain an active member [an active member is explained in detail on the member account page].

Active Events: At the end of each month, the server [the computer that runs the website] will multiply the total number of events that you have listed for the current month, in all zip-codes, times 500 Bidding Reward PointsTM and add it to your account.

Early Bird Bonus - Future Month: At the end of each month, the server will multiply the total number of events that you have listed, in all zip-codes, for the next month times 125 points per event and add it to your account. The reason; to encourage adding events early so website visitors have a longer time to see what events are upcoming.

Most Events in Zip-Code: If you have the most events in a zip-code, at the end of each month, the server will multiply the total number of events, in the zip-code, for the month, times 125 points per event and add it to your account. Yes, this can add up to a very large number of Bidding Reward PointsTM [read more about this below].

Repeat Events: Many events are annual events that repeat or take place at the same time each year. When you update an annual event [that you originally added to the website] it means changing the date, time and any information that changes annually. All of the other event information stays the same. When you update an event it again becomes an active event and you will receive Bidding Reward PointsTM for the Current Month and the Future Month. Remember, only you can update an event that you originally added as a new event, as long as you remain an active member.

Automatic: The server takes care of the points automatically and adds the points to your account each month. Each month Bidding Reward PointsTM are added for your New Events, your Current Month events, your Future Month events and your Most in a Zip-Code events.